vendredi 16 mai 2014

Our international workcamps :

Our international workcamps are opportunities for voluntary work, discovery and cultural exchange. They are organized primarily to provide assistance to a disadvantaged population, whether in the form of language courses to address the lack of access of the poor to quality education, or whether in the form of recreational and educational activities organized for children from poor families which do not have the means to take their kids elsewhere to relax after a long school year. They can also be projects of rehabilitation of public establishments frequented by the majority of the local population (schools, youth centers, hospitals, ...). These projects are also opportunities for cultural exchange and sharing of experiences between volunteers from all around the world. They are activities whose duration extends over a period of 10-15 days and are organized and managed by the association and which are open to participation by any person who meets the conditions of participation.
The work is done in the morning from Monday to Friday for four hours a day. In the afternoons, evenings and weekends, activities are planned for the benefit of volunteers.

Conditions of participation :
To participate in one of our workcamps, one must be 18 years of age or more and motivated to work together with all the group to achieve the different goals of the workcamp.
Your registration in one of our workcamps implies an engagement to stay the whole period of the camp and to respect the programme. And in case of a late arrival or early departure, you should let us know beforehand.

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